Academic satisfaction affects the attitude towards the profession: A study on physical education and sports teacher candidates

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Academic satisfaction, physical education and sports, attitude towards the profession


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of academic satisfaction on attitudes towards the profession. The universe of the research consists of candidate teachers who study in the faculties of sports sciences or physical education and sports departments of physical education and sports colleges in state universities in the Mediterranean region. The sample group consisted of 197 people randomly selected from this universe. Personal information form developed by the researchers, academic satisfaction and attitude scales towards the profession scales were used as data collection tools. The analysis of the data was made in computer environment by using a package program called IBM SPSS 22.0 (Statistics for Windows Version). Arithmetic averages of the scores they obtained from the scales of academic satisfaction and attitude towards the teaching profession are presented. Pearson correlation was used to reveal the relationship between continuous variables in the study, and regression analysis was used to look at the effect values. As a result, it was determined that physical education and sports teacher candidates' academic satisfaction and attitude towards the profession levels were moderate. In addition, while a moderately positive and significant relationship was found between prospective teachers' academic satisfaction and attitude towards the profession scores, it was found that the model that was created predicted it. This is thought to be due to the quality of the education received by physical education and sports teacher candidates during their education years and their fondness for their professions.


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How to Cite

Kocyigit, B. (2023). Academic satisfaction affects the attitude towards the profession: A study on physical education and sports teacher candidates . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(1), 37–50.