ISSN: 2717-9508
About the Journal
Journal of ROL Sport Sciences (JROLSS) aims to provide an important resource in developing every aspect of sport with the understanding of bringing together topics that will contribute to the education, practice and theoretical fields of sport:
- Training Science: Exercise Physiology, Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness, Movement and Training Science, Nutrition and Doping in Sport, Sports Genetics
- Physical Education and Sport Education: Skill Learning, Educational Games, Sport Education
- Sport Management: Sport Economics, Sport History, Organizational Behavior in Sport, Recreation Management in Sport, Consumer Behavior in Sport
JROLSS only accepts articles in English and Turkish. Authors should use only one spelling style (British, American or Turkish) in their articles.
Publication Frequency [Quarterly]: JROLSS publishes quarterly from 2023 -Exception of the Special Issues- (March, June, September and December).
Visibility: indexed within H.W Wilson, SPORTDiscus, DOAJ, Sherpa Romeo, EBSCO, ERIHPLUS, SOBIAD, CABI Leisure Tourism, CABI Abstracts and Global Health Database and other databases.
Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 4 (2024): Journal of ROL Sport Sciences
Full Issue
Research Article
Investigation of the effect of acute exercise on oxidative stress and thiol-disulfide homeostasis in soccer players
Abstract views: 84 /
PDF downloads: 77
Physical, mental and spiritual journey: Examining recreational yoga participants’ flow experience and perceived health outcomes
Abstract views: 64 /
PDF downloads: 42
Analysis of goals scored in World Cup matches: 2014, 2018 and 2022 Championships
Abstract views: 60 /
PDF downloads: 53
Examining the relationship between athlete students’ stress fighting attitudes and sociodemographic characteristics
Abstract views: 46 /
PDF downloads: 36
Examining the relationship between football fans' understanding of passion in sports and their levels of fanaticism
Abstract views: 71 /
PDF downloads: 56
Impact of a 14-week basic swimming program on liver enzymes and plasma lipids in adult women
Abstract views: 54 /
PDF downloads: 31
Investigation of PPAR-Alpha gene polymorphism in female’s soccer players
Abstract views: 38 /
PDF downloads: 68
The relationship between leadership orientations and state anxiety of sport sciences faculty students
Abstract views: 50 /
PDF downloads: 31
Analysis of goals scored in the Turkish Football Super League 2021-2022 season according to attack transitions and attack start zones
Abstract views: 47 /
PDF downloads: 27
Investigation of the relationship between athletes' basic psychological needs and sports success motivations
Abstract views: 77 /
PDF downloads: 172
The effect of prosocial behaviour manageability on conscious awareness in university athletes: The mediating role of athlete identity
Abstract views: 64 /
PDF downloads: 35