Examining the relationship between football fans' understanding of passion in sports and their levels of fanaticism

Fanaticism, football, passionAbstract
This study aims to examine the relationship between football fans’ passion for the sport and their levels of fanaticism. The participants consisted of 414 fans, including 90 women and 324 men. The study employed the “Football Fanaticism Scale” a 13-item Likert-type scale with all positive statements, and the “Passion Scale” which has been adapted into Turkish for athletes. The results of the Passion Scale revealed significant differences based on marital status, age, and family income. In the Fanaticism Scale, significant differences were found in subdimensions based on marital status, frequency of watching football, gender, and education level. Additionally, a weak to moderate positive correlation was observed between the two scales. A statistically significant but weak relationship was found between passion and tendencies towards violent thoughts and behaviors. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between passion and institutional loyalty. A significant and moderate positive relationship was observed between tendencies towards violent thoughts and behaviors and institutional loyalty. These results suggest that an increase in passion for sport may also increase tendencies towards violent thoughts and behaviors, but it does not lead to a notable increase in institutional loyalty. Furthermore, the results obtained provide significant insights for understanding fan psychology and sports management, offering a new perspective on the effects of sports passion at both individual and societal levels. The research opens the door to intriguing questions about the nature of passion in the sports world and lays a valuable foundation for future studies.
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