Vestibular sensory-based motor skill problems in autism spectrum disorder and exercise recommendations

Autism, balance, exercis, motor skill, sportAbstract
This study was designed to determine the common vestibular sensory-based motor skill problems in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the reactive behaviors caused by these problems and to create exercise recommendations targeting vestibular regulation. There is a mutual interaction between the vestibular system and the nervous system. In other words, while problems in the vestibular sense negatively affect cognitive processes, similarly, disorders/differences in the nervous system can have negative effects on the vestibular sense and negatively affect a number of developmental areas ranging from balance-oriented motor skills to cognitive and behavioral skills. Autism spectrum disorder is one of the neuro-developmental disorders in which there are negative effects on vestibular sensation caused by structural or functional impairment in the nervous system. Problems in the functioning of the vestibular system associated with ASD can lead to hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity responses to movements. These behaviors can cause significant problems in demonstrating the motor coordination needed in individuals' daily lives. As a result, problems in the vestibular system can lead to problems with motor learning, perceptual motor skills and learning. This sheds light on the basis of some of the problems seen in disorders of neurobiological origin (autism, etc.). Vestibular stimulus (regulation) exercise recommendations have been created for problems related to vestibular sensory integration.
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