ISSN: 2717-9508
2023: Journal of ROL Sport Sciences - Special Issue I
Full Issue
Research Article
The effect of physical activity on body composition and blood lipids after sleeve gastrectomy surgery in adult obese women – A one year longitudinal study
Abstract views: 312 /
PDF downloads: 219
The effect of pre-exercise caffeine loading on body composition, blood parameters and resting pulse rate in women
Abstract views: 209 /
PDF downloads: 168
Investigation of physical education teachers' and pre-service teachers' perceptions towards colleagues and students with special needs
Abstract views: 214 /
PDF downloads: 148
Investigation of innovation perception in athletes in terms of personality types and some demographic characteristics
Abstract views: 197 /
PDF downloads: 139
The mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship between burnout and performance: A research on the wrestling coaches
Abstract views: 216 /
PDF downloads: 172
Examining the relationship between cognitive flexibility and attitudes towards artificial ıntelligence technologies among students studying sports sciences
Abstract views: 638 /
PDF downloads: 377
Comparison of match performance indicators of successful and unsuccessful teams in Turkish Super League
Abstract views: 227 /
PDF downloads: 130
Examination of aikido practitioners' attitudes towards healthy nutrition according to some variables
Abstract views: 185 /
PDF downloads: 136
Metaphorical perceptions of weight class athletes about pre-competition rapid weight loss
Abstract views: 307 /
PDF downloads: 174
What are the key performance indicators for a top position in the German Bundesliga?: 2022-2023 Bundesliga season example
Abstract views: 319 /
PDF downloads: 156
The examination of the predictive level of exercise and digital addiction on leisure time management
Abstract views: 405 /
PDF downloads: 237
Determination of factors affecting the development processes of active fencing referees in Turkey
Abstract views: 236 /
PDF downloads: 166
Determining the correlations between faculty of sport sciences students’ unemployment anxiety and their levels of hopelessness
Abstract views: 172 /
PDF downloads: 117
The relationship between perceived barriers to physical activity and leisure activity types in adolescence
Abstract views: 187 /
PDF downloads: 123
The effect of perceptional stress from a recreational perspective on leisure satisfaction
Abstract views: 273 /
PDF downloads: 147
The relationship between diaphragm muscle thickness, respiratory functions and respiratory muscle strength in athletes
Abstract views: 229 /
PDF downloads: 117
The effect of 12 weeks of tennis education on accuracy performance
Abstract views: 207 /
PDF downloads: 127
Describing the relationship between digital game addiction, physical activity levels and MET values of university students
Abstract views: 511 /
PDF downloads: 305
Investigation of sportsmanship understanding and personal features of athletes
Abstract views: 333 /
PDF downloads: 222
Relationship between anthropometric characteristics and strength in national team lower age categories of windsurfers
Abstract views: 342 /
PDF downloads: 156
Investigation of the relationship between academic locus of control and health-related fear levels of students in the faculty of sport sciences
Abstract views: 191 /
PDF downloads: 146
Determination of esports players' levels of life engagement and future expectations in terms of various variables in Turkey
Abstract views: 310 /
PDF downloads: 166
Investigating the effects of biological maturity and relative age on physical fitness and sport-specific skills of young futsal players
Abstract views: 352 /
PDF downloads: 207
Problems and facilitators in the participation of students with autism spectrum disorder in physical education and sports lessons
Abstract views: 446 /
PDF downloads: 290
Examination of emotional intelligence and mental endurance levels in sports of university students who actively do sports
Abstract views: 340 /
PDF downloads: 220
Investigation of perceived stress and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in shooters according to some variables
Abstract views: 200 /
PDF downloads: 126
Exploring the relationship between elite young athletes' irrational performance beliefs and sports goal orientation
Abstract views: 180 /
PDF downloads: 113
E-sports: An analysis on global growth, revenue streams, and threats
Abstract views: 1356 /
PDF downloads: 487
Determination of injury risks of individuals receiving regular swimming training according to age variable
Abstract views: 219 /
PDF downloads: 103
The effect of digital leisure participation purposes on flow experience and leisure satisfaction
Abstract views: 405 /
PDF downloads: 260
Evaluation of professional development processes of elite football coaches according to their learning paths and success levels
Abstract views: 234 /
PDF downloads: 133
Investigation of esports participation motivations of university students who took esports
Abstract views: 262 /
PDF downloads: 151
Investigation of some injuries in freestyle and greco-roman style Turkish wrestlers
Abstract views: 338 /
PDF downloads: 146
Investigation of the relationship between forearm and hand anthropometric characteristics and grip strength of elite and recreational sport climbers
Abstract views: 229 /
PDF downloads: 110
Hearing impaired national volleyball players of fair play perception
Abstract views: 321 /
PDF downloads: 169
Comparison of bilateral-ipsilateral strength ratios in taekwondo and football players
Abstract views: 286 /
PDF downloads: 163
The effect of the leadership behaviors of recreational sports school coaches on the sports commitment of young people
Abstract views: 291 /
PDF downloads: 191
Examination of high school students' attitudes towards physical education course according to some variables
Abstract views: 176 /
PDF downloads: 82
Effects of various recovery times on repeated sprint performance
Abstract views: 255 /
PDF downloads: 109
Investigation of parameters affecting throwing velocity and accuracy in handball
Abstract views: 429 /
PDF downloads: 212
Examining the relationship between body image flexibility of ballroom dancers and folk dancers and appearance-related social media consciousness
Abstract views: 317 /
PDF downloads: 198
Investıgatıon of self-efficacy and self-esteem levels of students studying in physical education and sports high school in choosing a specialty branch
Abstract views: 136 /
PDF downloads: 64
The role of career planning in the perception of success for faculty of sports sciences students
Abstract views: 168 /
PDF downloads: 141
Examination of the motivation to participate in sports and recreational benefit levels of academic staff who do sports activities as recreational activities
Abstract views: 267 /
PDF downloads: 129
Attitudes of sports science students towards information and communication technology and their perceptions of distance education
Abstract views: 205 /
PDF downloads: 96
Investigation of the effect of fartlek training on aerobic performance in adolescent female basketball players
Abstract views: 271 /
PDF downloads: 136
The effect of mouth caffeine rinsing on short-distance freestyle swimming performance
Abstract views: 285 /
PDF downloads: 167
Investigation of the relationship between social appearance concerns and negative assessment fear levels in university students
Abstract views: 325 /
PDF downloads: 338
Examining the recreation awareness and mental well-being levels of university students
Abstract views: 288 /
PDF downloads: 196
A stepwise regression analysis on the effects of imagery and emotion regulation on courage level in athletes
Abstract views: 287 /
PDF downloads: 198
Investigation of attitudes towards their branches and sport orientation of different types of competitive
Abstract views: 248 /
PDF downloads: 116
Examining the attitudes of university students towards the disabled
Abstract views: 264 /
PDF downloads: 109
Examination of optimal performance mood status in sedentary women according to certain variables
Abstract views: 187 /
PDF downloads: 107
Comparison of cultural, social, and emotional intelligence in individual sports and team sports
Abstract views: 173 /
PDF downloads: 131
Monitoring the psychological and physiological effects of 320k Sochi-Giresun marathon elite open water master swimming event
Abstract views: 233 /
PDF downloads: 108
Organizational innovation and creativity perception of public sports organization employees in Turkey
Abstract views: 152 /
PDF downloads: 94
Review Article
Vestibular sensory-based motor skill problems in autism spectrum disorder and exercise recommendations
Abstract views: 788 /
PDF downloads: 972
The historical journey of recreation research: A bibliometric study (1955-2022)
Abstract views: 211 /
PDF downloads: 158
Bibliometric analysis of physical activity studies in Web of Science database with Vosviewer
Abstract views: 204 /
PDF downloads: 139
Examination of autonomy in Turkish sports federations from 2004 to 2024
Abstract views: 151 /
PDF downloads: 114