Investigation of sportsmanship understanding and personal features of athletes

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Personality, Sportsmanship, Sport


In this research, it is aimed to examine and evaluate the personality traits and sportsmanship understanding of the students of the faculty of sports sciences according to some parameters. The population of the research consists of the students of Yaşar Doğu Faculty of Sports Sciences at Ondokuz Mayıs University in 2021-2022. The study's sample group consists of 121 women and 131 men, a total of 252 students studying at the faculty of sports sciences, who were selected by the simple sampling method and participated in our research voluntarily. The "Multidimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale", consisting of 20 items and four sub-dimensions, was used to determine students' understanding of fair play. Sub-dimensions of the scale; Compliance with Social Norms, Respect for Rules and Management, Commitment to Responsibilities in Sports, Respect for Competitors are sub-dimensions. The "Ten-Item Personality Scale" was used to determine the personality characteristics of the participants. Subdimensions of the scale Openness to Experience, Responsibility, Extraversion, Compassion, and Emotional Stability consist of five sub-dimensions. There was no difference between the groups according to gender, class and sports (p>0.05). There is a difference in the "Multidimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale" sub-dimension according to family income. There is also a difference in the ten-item personality scale sub-dimension of individual athletes, team athletes and those who have never done sports. According to the results obtained, it can be said that students with similar socio-economic levels show similar sportsmanship and personality traits.


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How to Cite

Durmusoglu, M. V., Aksoy, Y., Gencgor, İbrahim, Celik, Z., & Coruh, Y. (2023). Investigation of sportsmanship understanding and personal features of athletes. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 327–347.