A study on the reasons for university students’ participation in recreational activities and the barriers that restrict the leisure time evaluation process

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Constraints negotiation process, recreation, recreationist, leisure, reasons for participation


The aim of this study is to identify the reasons for participating in recreational activities, the constraints that limit the processes of utilizing leisure, and the strategies used to overcome these constraints among university students studying in the recreation departments of faculties of sports sciences. Additionally, the effects of students’ demographic characteristics and participation patterns in leisure activities on participation reasons, constraints, and strategy levels were examined. Conducted with individuals who possess knowledge and expertise in the field of recreation, this research provides a unique contribution by analyzing participation reasons and strategies for negotiating constraints. The study included a total of 198 students, 110 males and 88 females, studying in recreation departments of faculties of sports sciences. Data were collected using the Reasons for Participating in Recreational Activities Scale, the Recreationists’ Constraints Negotiation Process Scale, and a personal information form prepared by the researcher. Parametric tests were applied to the data, which showed normal distribution. The results revealed significant differences in participation reasons and constraints negotiation strategies based on class level, monthly participation frequency, companions during activities, and the perceived constraining factors. Furthermore, a positive but low-level relationship was found between participation reasons and constraints negotiation strategies. It was determined that the reasons for participating in recreational activities explain 16% of the variance in the constraints negotiation process. These findings highlight the importance of understanding participation reasons and negotiation strategies for students to use their leisure more effectively.


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How to Cite

Aksoy, Y., & Kilicarslan, F. (2024). A study on the reasons for university students’ participation in recreational activities and the barriers that restrict the leisure time evaluation process. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(4), 713–732. https://doi.org/10.70736/jrolss.501