ISSN: 2717-9508
Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of ROL Sport Sciences
Full Issue
Research Article
Effects of musculoskeletal pain on sleep disorder and quality of life in school aged children who are new to sports
Abstract views: 263 /
PDF downloads: 185
An investigation of the relationship between lower limb muscle size, strength, and tibia length: A specific analysis of the hamstring and quadriceps muscles
Abstract views: 272 /
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The effect of different sport disciplines on the foot sole in early adolescence
Abstract views: 337 /
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Effect of 8 weeks of core training on speed, agility and balance in 14–16 year old male footballers
Abstract views: 370 /
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The effect of recreation experience preference on destination preference
Abstract views: 491 /
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Investigation of changes in blood lactate and some performance characteristics of adolescent male handball players during competition
Abstract views: 208 /
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Investigation of the effect of 12-week exercise training on the level of physical fitness in children with autism
Abstract views: 263 /
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Examination of social appearance anxiety of faculty of sports sciences students
Abstract views: 225 /
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Investigation of the effect of book reading activity on attention level and reaction time in student athletes
Abstract views: 308 /
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Does handgrip strength effect pulmonary function in healthy children?
Abstract views: 208 /
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An analysis of online education perception among faculty of sports sciences students following the February 6th Turkey earthquake
Abstract views: 249 /
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Comparing the maximal aerobic speed assessed with laboratory and field tests in soccer players
Abstract views: 495 /
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Examination of the psychological resilience of football players
Abstract views: 381 /
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Comprasion of physical activity levels of working women and housewives according to some variables
Abstract views: 429 /
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The determining role of folk-dance trainers’ toxic leadership behavior on the psychological resilience and satisfaction levels of the athletes
Abstract views: 351 /
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The relationship between career awareness and job search anxiety among university students
Abstract views: 629 /
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The effect of e-sports audience demands on electronic sports participation motivation
Abstract views: 374 /
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Longing for sportive success scale: Validity and reliability study
Abstract views: 354 /
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2022 FIFA World Cup: The relationship between performance and success
Abstract views: 490 /
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Investigation of the effect of acute facilitation on balance performance in women swimmers
Abstract views: 326 /
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The effect of elbow joint proprioception sense on shooting hit in basketball
Abstract views: 508 /
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Review Article
The relationship between sports, politics, and nationalism in the historical process
Abstract views: 650 /
PDF downloads: 249