The effect of different sport disciplines on the foot sole in early adolescence

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Foot pressure analysis, foot, sport disciplines training, , pedobarographic analysis, sports


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different sports branches on the soles of the feet in children aged 11-14 years in the early adolescence period receiving sports training. A total of 349 licensed athletes with at least two years of sports training participated in the study. Foot pressure analyzes were measured in static and dynamic positions. When the peak left (F=17.60) peak right (F=12.29) pressures of the participants were analyzed according to the branch, it was seen that there was a statistically significant difference. It was found that the peak left and right foot pressures of basketball players were higher than those of soccer and taekwondo players; the peak left and right foot pressures of volleyball players were higher than those of soccer and taekwondo players; and the peak right and left foot pressures of karate players were higher than those of basketball, volleyball, soccer, taekwondo and fencing players.  In conclusion, since foot development continues during early adolescence, which is the period of specialization, it is more sensitive to external factors. Problems that may occur can be prevented by conducting foot pressure analyzes by taking into account the differences in branches and making pressure maps of individuals.


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How to Cite

Pekel, A. Özge. (2023). The effect of different sport disciplines on the foot sole in early adolescence. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(3), 830–842.