Hearing impaired national volleyball players of fair play perception
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Phenomenology, hearing impaired, metaphor, qualitative research, volleyballAbstract
Sport is a tool which people transfer their lifestyles and what they learn from their environment in to their life. In addition to that, it is also an important attitude for athletes to exhibit fair play behaviour in the international arena. In this context, the aim of this research is to determine the meanings of hearing-impaired female national volleyball players regarding the concept of fair play through metaphors through their thoughts and experiences. The research consists of 20 female volleyball players in the candidate squad of the Turkish deaf Volleyball national team in the 2022-2023 season. Phenomenology pattern, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. In obtaining the data, hearing-impaired volleyball players were asked to complete this sentence; ‘fair play is like/similar to …….., because ……’. Content analyse technique was used to analyse the data. According to the findings examination, the metaphors created by the hearing-impaired athletes participating in the research for the concept of ‘fair play’ were collected under the themes of ‘being an element of morality’, ‘being an element of justice’ and ‘being an element of goodness’ respectively. It is thought that dissaminating fair play training for disabled athletes and encouraging their positive behaviour by rewarding them will contribute to the spread of behaviours worthy of the sprit.
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