The transfer and migration of young footballers: A journey of hope or labour exploitation

Football, football player migration, labour exploitation, migration, transferAbstract
In the contemporary football environment, the transfer processes of young players have come to the fore as a matter of considerable concern. Within this context, the challenges faced by players during transfers are shaped by a tension between a “journey of hope” and “labor exploitation.” This study aims to explore this phenomenon by examining the transfer processes of footballers through the lens of these two concepts. The primary objective of the present study is to ascertain whether the transfer journeys of young players constitute a pathway to opportunity or a form of labour exploitation. To this end, the processes will be examined within a socio-economic framework. The study will particularly examine the transfer trajectories of African footballers to European leagues, assessing the economic, social, and cultural dynamics of football migration. The transfer data from 1995 to 2024 were collected from the website and analysed using descriptive statistical methods. A quantitative research design was employed, and the transfer data were categorised and analysed based on transfer fees, player nationality, and the leagues involved. The findings reveal that African players are often transferred to Europe at low costs or on free transfers, which creates a significant economic advantage for the major European leagues. A review of the extant literature further illuminates the dual nature of the transfer process, which, on the one hand, reflects labour exploitation and, on the other, embodies the pursuit of dreams, thus characterising a “journey of hope.” The study’s conclusions underscore the deleterious consequences of prevailing transfer practices and put forward policy recommendations that seek to remedy these issues. It is asserted that local leagues should be rendered more appealing, salary enhancements should be guaranteed, and that UEFA and FIFA should implement effective regulations to restrict international transfers of young players. Furthermore, it is contended that player recruitment processes should not be predicated exclusively on economic criteria, but should also take into account socio-historical dynamics. The call for further research in this domain is made to enhance comprehension and address the intricacies inherent in these matters.
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