Examining family recreation from a parental perspective

Family recreation, leisure, parentAbstract
This study was conducted on 346 parents attending family life centers in Etimesgut, Keçiören, Sincan and Yenimahalle districts of Ankara and aimed to examine how families spend their leisure time and the frequency of their participation in these activities. The Family Leisure Activity Profile (FLAP) tool was used in the study. SPSS Version 25.0 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance ANOVA, post hoc tests (LSD) and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. According to the results of the analysis, it was found that the participants had average FLAP scores (x̄=4.26). In addition, it was found that variables such as age, education level, perceived income level, leisure time duration, adequacy of leisure time, most preferred leisure time activities, sector of employment, daily working hours and number of children significantly affected the participants’ FLAP scores. The strongest positive relationships were observed with education level (r=0.446) and perceived income (r=0.445), while the strongest negative relationships were found between daily working hours (r=-0.342) and number of children (r=-0.239). As a result, the participation of families in recreational activities was evaluated in terms of space, duration and frequency, and it was determined that these results differed significantly according to different variables, and according to the results of the research, it was determined that the education and income levels of families should be increased in general, and the number of children and working hours make it difficult to participate in leisure time activities.
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