The examination of the predictive level of exercise and digital addiction on leisure time management

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Leisure time management, Digital game addiction, Exercise addiction, Addiction and leisure time


Individuals in the process of university education are acknowledged to consider how they evaluate their leisure time with the activities they prefer, which is deemed significant in shaping their futures. In this study, within this context, the extent to which digital game addiction and exercise addiction influence the management of leisure time among university students has been investigated. The research sample comprises 275 university students, consisting of 139 males (50.5%) and 136 females (49.5%). The participants were administered the “Leisure Time Management Scale,” “Digital Game Addiction Scale,” and “Exercise Addiction Scale.” To ascertain the degree to which individuals' involvement in digital gaming and exercise addiction serves as predictors of their leisure time management, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted. The outcomes of the research reveal that exercise addiction and digital game addiction significantly impact individuals' leisure time management. These findings have been generally interpreted in line with the existing knowledge in the literature, and recommendations for future research have been provided.


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How to Cite

Sagin, A. E., Ustun, Ümit D., & Mergan, B. (2023). The examination of the predictive level of exercise and digital addiction on leisure time management. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 200–215.