Researching the awareness of athletes in different branches in Turkey about their exposure to sexual abuse and harassment

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Team sport, individual sport, sexual harassment, psychological harassment


This study researching the awareness of athletes in different branches in Turkey about their exposure to sexual abuse and harassment. For this purpose, the data of the sexual harassment in sports inventory filled by 474 athletes were evaluated. The Ki-square test in statistical operations was performed.  Significant differences were found in all parameters in the distribution of the sexual harassment and abuse behaviours of the athlete’s different branches by gender (p<0.05 and p<0.001). While there was a significant difference in some parameters according to gender (p<0.05 and p<0.001), there was no significant difference in some parameters (p>0.05). It has been determined that male students have a higher rate of sexual harassment compared to female students in the questions differences. While there was a significant difference in the answers given to the statements “not wanting to prolong and being ashamed to tell” in the distribution of the reasons for not making a formal complaint by the athletes by gender (p<0.05), the answers to the other questions were found to be similar (p>0.05). Conclusion: It has been observed that there are differences in the perception of sexual abuse and harassment behaviours between male student-athletes and female student-athletes in the different branch athletes. The percentage of answers given to male and female student-athletes about sexual harassment in each question varies. It has been determined that male student-athletes are exposed to sexual abuse and harassment more than female student-athletes. A particular unit should be established to apply to victims of sexual abuse and harassment, and sexual abuse and harassment intervention programs for athletes should be designed and implemented.


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How to Cite

Dogan, E., Sekban, G., Bayrak, M., & Imamoglu, O. (2023). Researching the awareness of athletes in different branches in Turkey about their exposure to sexual abuse and harassment. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(4), 1468–1487.