Determining the leadership orientations of sports sciences faculty students and examining their relationships with their personality traits

Sports, Student, Personality, Leadership OrientationAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the leadership orientations of sports sciences faculty students according to some parameters and to determine their relationship with their personality traits. The study covers a group of students (n = 362) studying at the Faculty of Sports Sciences, whose ages vary between 18-30 years old. Leadership Tendencies and Big Five Personality Traits surveys were used as measurement tools in the study. T-test, one-way analysis of variance and LSD tests were used in statistical procedures. While the sub-dimensions of the leadership scale, human-oriented leadership, are similar to each other, significant differences were detected in the sub-dimensions of structural leadership, transformational leadership and charismatic leadership according to gender. While there was no significant difference in the extroversion and emotional balance sub-dimensions of the Big Five personality traits according to gender, a significant difference was found in the dimensions including agreeableness, responsibility and intelligence/imagination. A statistically significant difference was found in all sub-dimensions of leadership orientations according to the sports age variable. People-oriented, structure-oriented, transformational leadership and charismatic leadership orientations were found to have a negative significant relationship with emotional instability. It was concluded that the leadership orientations of sports faculty students vary according to gender, competitive status and sports age, but do not vary according to the department they study. In order for sports faculty students to have better leadership qualities and positive personality traits, it is recommended that their active participation in competitions be increased and that they start their sports at an earlier age.
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