Examining epistemological beliefs towards learning of the students studying at the faculty of sport sciences
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Epistemology, epistemological belief, learning, student, sports sciencesAbstract
Many situations such as meta-cognitive, reasoning, and socio-cultural effects affect epistemological beliefs academically in terms of educators and individuals. In this direction, the effect of epistemological beliefs on teaching shows its academic importance. The research was carried out to examine the epistemological beliefs of the students of the faculty of sports sciences towards learning according to some variables. It was designed by adopting the descriptive survey model, which is among the quantitative research methods. The study group of the research consists of 279 students, 168 females (60.2%) and 111 (39.8%) males. In addition to the personal information form, the "Epistemological Beliefs Scale for Learning" was used in the study. Within the scope of the research, the IBM SPSS 25 package program was used in the implementation of the statistical processes of the data obtained from the students. No significant difference was found between the students' epistemological beliefs towards learning and the gender variable. A significant difference was found in all sub-dimensions between the students' epistemological beliefs towards learning and the sport type variable, the mean scores of team athletes in the dimension of accessing information and individual athletes in other dimensions are high. While no significant difference was found in the epistemic contradiction and access to information sub-dimensions between the students' epistemological beliefs about learning and the department variable, a significant difference was found in the other sub-dimensions. The mean scores of the students of sports management department were found to be high in absolute and single reality dimensions, and against genetic nature. A significant difference was found between students' epistemological beliefs towards learning and class and age variables.
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