Determination of injury risks of individuals receiving regular swimming training according to age variable

Functional mobility, Injury, Age, SwimmingAbstract
The purpose of this research; The aim is to determine the injury risks of individuals who receive regular swimming training according to their age. A total of 22 men who attended regular swimming lessons twice a week for 1 year were included in the study. After height and body weight measurements were taken for each participant, the study was concluded by performing a Functional Mobility Screening (FHT) test. After examining the normality distribution of the obtained values with the Shapiro-Wilks test, the Mann Whitney U test, which is used in non-parametric data, was used to determine the difference between variables. Among the participants' Functional Mobility Screening test parameters; Shoulder mobility scores were found to be statistically significant in favor of 16-year-olds and rotation stability scores were found to be statistically significant in favor of 14-year-olds (p<0.05). Additionally, no statistically significant difference was found for the total scores of deep squatting, high stepping, single-line lunge, active straight leg lifting, trunk stability push-ups, and Functional Mobility Screening test (p>0.05). It can be suggested that the FHT test should be investigated in different sports branches, levels and different age groups, and that coaches should apply the Functional Mobility Screening test at regular intervals in order to minimize injuries.
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