The effect of skill training applied in adolescent football players on some selected motoric features and ability tests

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Adolescent, skill training, football, motoric features


This study aims to determine the chronic effect of 8-week skill training applied in adolescent football players on some selected motoric and ability tests.In the study, 35 male football players (age: 10.91±2,88years; height: 150.49±9.03cm; body weight: 42,19±9,31kg) studying at secondary school level, played active football and had a sports history of at least 1 year, took part voluntarily.In the study, carrying out with a single group pre-test-post-test design, one of the experimental models, skill training was applied to the participant group for 8 weeks, 3 days a week and 190 minustes. Vertical jump, long jump, 30 m. sprint, shot, pass and dribbling were measured at two separate times as pre-test and post-test.Whether the obtained data showed normal distribution was determined by kurtosis-skewnes normality test.Then, the data were analysed using paired samples t-test. The results were interpreted according to p<0.05 significance level. When the findings were analysed, it was found that the skill trainings applied in vertical jump, standing long jump, passing, shooting and dribbling tests had a positive effect on the performance and created a significant difference in favour of the post-test.In the 30 m. sprint test, no significant difference was found in favour of the post-test.  In conclusion, based on the findings obtained, it can be said that the skill training to be applied in adolescent football players may have positive effects on the ability and motoric feature variables of the individuals.


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How to Cite

Hepsert, S., Kılıc, Y., & Tan, Çetin. (2023). The effect of skill training applied in adolescent football players on some selected motoric features and ability tests. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(2), 714–728.