The effect of sports managers on basketball player’s sports self-confidence and coping with stress levels

Basketball, Coping with stress, sports self-confidence, sport management, stressAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of sports managers on basketball player’s sports self-confidence and coping with stress levels. Basketball is highlighted as a team sport that combines the player's physical skills and mental sharpness. The dynamics, competitiveness, and the always changing game conditions inside the court, lay the groundwork for the complex factors that affect the sports self-confidence levels and the ability to cope with the stress of basketball athletes. These psychological components that affect the player's performance on the court carry great importance to individual and team-wise success. Self-confidence is a primary feature that affects the individual’s behavior and is shaped by the effects of environmental factors throughout one’s lifetime. This can affect one’s belief in their skills. Also because of rapidly changing life conditions people’s physical and mental limits can be routinely pushed and this can show up as stress. Stress is the outcome of an individual's psychological reaction to environmental events and is an integral part of daily life. For this reason, it is inevitable for a social creature like a human to show different reactions and try to adapt to these differences as their physical and mental limits are pushed. Focusing on how sports managers can affect players' mental health and performance makes an important contribution to the sport’s psychological aspect.
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