Investigation of the relationship between personality traits and sports consumption of volunteers working in international sports organizations

personality, sport consumption, voluteeringAbstract
The purpose of this research; The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the personality traits of the volunteers participating in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games held in Konya in 2022 and their consumption of sports in terms of demographic variables. Relational screening model was used in accordance with the purpose of the research. While the population of the research consists of 1500 people who voluntarily participated in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games held in Konya, the sample consists of 334 volunteer participants determined by simple random method. “Personal Information Form”, “Ten-Item Personality Scale (TSPS)” and “Sports Consumption Scale (SBL)” were used as data collection tools. The obtained data were analyzed by transferring them to the SPSS 25.0 package program. Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation analyzes were used in descriptive data analysis. In the analysis of the data, t-test for pairwise comparisons and One-Way Anova Test for multiple comparisons were applied to examine the differences between variables. Pearson Correlation Test was applied to examine the relationships between the variables. In addition, Tukey and LSD from multiple comparison tests were used. According to the research findings, the participants; It has been found that there are differences according to variables such as gender, age, volunteering experience, educational status, marital status, economic income, participation in sports as an active and spectator. In conclusion; In line with the data taken from the sample and the correlation analysis, a low positive correlation was found between the "responsibility" sub-dimension and the "sports product consumption" sub-dimension in the relationship of the sub-dimensions with each other.
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