The effects of nutrition and sports on growing up conditions in adolescent athletes

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childhood, physical activity, physical growth, sport nourishment


This research was conducted to examine the relationship between sports activity and nutritional status with height and weight percentile values, which are growth criteria in adolescence. A total of (n=93) people participated in the research, including 50 males (53,8%) and 43 females (46,2%). In the study data was obtained by using a personal information form and measuring height and weight. Frequency, percentage and Chi-square Fisher's Exact Test were used in the analysis of research data. The value (p<0.05) was accepted as the significance level in statistical analyses. According to the analysis, it was determined that there was a statistical connection between the participants' implementation of a self-determined nutrition program and their height percentile and weight percentile status (p<0,05). Frequency of weekly training, number of meals a day, and skipping meals during the day were not found to be statistically related to height and weight percentiles (p<0,05). As a result, it can be interpreted that diets implemented unconsciously and not based on any expert advice during adolescence may negatively affect children's height and weight percentile status and therefore their growth and development levels.


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How to Cite

Asal Ulus, C., Bayram, L., Yuceloglu Keskin, D. Özge, Sokulmez Kaya, P., & Yildiz, D. Z. (2023). The effects of nutrition and sports on growing up conditions in adolescent athletes. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(4), 1503–1517.