Analysis of IMBb rated sports movies in cinema history

IMDb, Movie, SportsAbstract
This study was designed to classify sports films released in the history of cinema according to their IMDb scores. Digital content movie sites were scanned using the document analysis method. The data obtained in the scan were separated according to qualitative and quantitative content. The obtained data were given according to percentage and frequency distribution. In this study, sports films released between 1947-2024 were examined in terms of country, IMDb score, year of release and branch. There are a total of 300 films in the data set, and these films vary in terms of different branches and countries. According to the results of the research, a significant increase is observed in the distribution of films according to year intervals. It has the highest rate with 35.56% between 2013-2024, and it is seen that the popularity of sports-themed films has increased significantly during this period. In the analysis conducted on a country basis, it was seen that the USA was by far the most dominant country with 48.01% of the total films. India ranks second with 7.28%, and Turkey ranks third with 5.63%. Approximately half of the films are from the United States, while the remaining half show a wide geographic diversity. According to this data, boxing stands out as the most dominant theme, accounting for 14.85% of the total films. Football follows closely behind at 14.19%. Basketball comes in third at 7.59%, demonstrating the significant presence of sports in cinema. Overall, this dataset not only reflects the popularity of specific sports but also highlights the rich diversity of athletic endeavors across cultures and disciplines.
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