Examination of empathy, self-esteem and aggression levels of Turkish National Team Boxers in terms of certain variables

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Aggression, Boxing, Empathy, Self-esteem, Sports


Empathy is an important competence for athletes both to achieve success and to build a relationship with their competitors based on tolerance. Empathy is a skill that helps to understand others’ emotional reactions and facilitates establishing an effective relationship with them, and it requires the ability to look into a subject from a perspective different from one’s own by stripping off self-centeredness and through the perspective of others. The aim of the study is to examine the empathy, self-esteem and aggression levels of Turkish national team boxers in terms of certain variables. The study was conducted with a descriptive and cross-sectional design. The study population consisted of the athletes of the Turkish National Boxing team, and it was conducted with the participation of 62 athletes who were selected through convenience sampling method and who agreed to participate in the study between July-August 2021.  A statistically significant difference was determined between male and female athletes’ aggression levels. No significant difference was found between empathy, self-esteem, and aggression levels in terms of training duration.  According to the results of the variance analysis, no statistically significant difference was determined between empathy, self-esteem, and aggression levels in terms of economic status.


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How to Cite

Ciris, V., & Kara, E. (2023). Examination of empathy, self-esteem and aggression levels of Turkish National Team Boxers in terms of certain variables . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(1), 262–274. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7741212