Investigation of the relationship between perceived stress, resilience and quality of life in football players (The example of Muğla super amateur league)
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Football player, perceived stress, psychological resilience, quality of lifeAbstract
This research was conducted to compare football players’ perceived stress, psychological resilience and quality of life levels with various variables. The universe of the research consists of 624 individuals playing football in the super amateur league in Muğla, according to TFF (2023) data. The study group of the research was composed of 165 football players selected according to the convenience sampling (convenient sampling) method. Participants answered the " Perceived Stress Scale " (PSS) and the "Brief Resilience Scale" (BRS) and “SF-12 Health Survey” (SF-12). For data analysis, T-Test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine the differences between the variables, and Pearson Correlation and Regression analysis to determine the relationship between the scales. According to the analysis results, there were significant differences in the mean scores of “PSS, "BRS” and “SF-12” with respect to (income status, education, position and championship) variables. As a result, it was determined that football players’ perceived stress and the brief resilience and health levels differed significantly according to some variables.
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