The relationship between ruminative thought styles and decision-making styles in individuals doing physical activity in the context of bad habits
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Sports, rumination, decision-making, addiction, alcohol and smokeAbstract
The purpose of this research, examine the relationship between ruminative thought styles and decision-making styles in individuals doing physical activity within the context of bad habits. The scanning model was used in the research. The sample of the study consists of a total of 746 individuals engaged in physical activity. The correlation coefficient technique was used to find the link between them the ruminative thought styles and the decision-making styles of the participants. The “Ruminative Thought Style Questionnaire” and “Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire” were used in the research. SPSS statistical used to find the results data. As a result, no relationship was found between ruminative thought styles and decision-making styles of individuals who did not have bad habits (smoking and alcohol). In individuals who had bad habits and used cigarettes and alcohol, found to be significant moderate degree of relationship between ruminative thought styles and the buck-passing decision-making style from the sub-dimensions of decision-making styles. It was also revealed that there was a negative moderate degree of relationship between the ruminative thought styles concluding styles of individuals who were non-smokers but used alcohol. Also, it was proved that there was a negative low degree of relationship between the ruminative thought styles concluding styles of smokers and non-alcoholic individuals.
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