Measurement and evaluation of heart rate variability in monitoring fatigue: A narrative review

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HRV, Autonomic nervous system, Load management, Recovery, Athlete monitoring


The aim of this study was to give detailed information about the use of heart rate variability (HRV) and measurement and evaluation methods of the monitoring fatigue. HRV has become an increasingly used tool for monitoring fatigue in athletes. HRV is used for monitoring changes in optimize training load, and identify training adaptations. HRV monitoring provides important information about the athlete's recovery and the impact of training and competition on overall fatigue levels. Recent developments in wearable technologies and mobile applications have made it possible to measure HRV in real time and to continuously monitor fatigue levels. It is also important to consider the validity and reliability of HRV measurement tools and to report HRV results clearly and comprehensively. In athlete monitoring, it can be said that HRV measurements can be evaluated mostly at rest, with ultra-short-term (<60 sec) analysis method, and by taking into account the lnRMMSD and RMMSD metrics. However, it is clear that more research is needed to determine the validity of HRV in athletic populations. In addition, sports scientists and practitioners should consider other fatigue monitoring tools in addition to the use of HRV when making decisions about the fatigue and recovery levels of athletes.


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How to Cite

Alvurdu, S. (2023). Measurement and evaluation of heart rate variability in monitoring fatigue: A narrative review . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(1), 336–358.