The acute effect of l-arginine and vitamin c intake on aerobic-anaerobic performance, lactic acid, and blood glucose parameters in basketball players

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Aerobic, Anaerobic, Basketball, Vitamin C, L-Arginine, Performance


The aim of this study was to investigate of the acute effect of L-Arginine and Vitamin C intake on aerobic-anaerobic performance, lactic acid, and blood glucose parameters in basketball players. The study included 18 licensed basketball players. The basketball players were divided into three group: the placebo group, the L-Arginine and the L-Arginine+Vitamin C. The Conconi treadmill, Monark bicycle ergometer, lactate scout, and OKmeter Optima blood glucose measurement device were used in the research. The groups underwent aerobic Conconi treadmill test and Wingate anaerobic power test without any supplementation, and measurements of lactate levels, blood glucose levels, and aerobic-anaerobic performance were recorded. After a 48-hour washout period, each groups was supplemented, and the tests were repeated. To assess the pre- and post-test values within each group, a paired t-test was utilized. For comparisons between groups, One-Way ANOVA tests were conducted. Upon analyzing the results, statistically significant disparities were observed in peak power, running distance, and lactate levels between the pre- and post-tests in the L-Arginine+Vitamin C group (p<0.05). In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that the consumption of L-Arginine+Vitamin C enhances acute aerobic-anaerobic performance and reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in basketball players.


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How to Cite

Karatay, G., Suna, G., & Yilmaz, E. (2025). The acute effect of l-arginine and vitamin c intake on aerobic-anaerobic performance, lactic acid, and blood glucose parameters in basketball players. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 6(1), 49–68.