The effect of attitudes towards healthy eating and cognitive flexibility on life satisfaction of individuals aged 60 and over who exercise regularly

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Exercise, life satisfaction, healthy nutrition, cognitive flexibility


In this study, it was aimed to examine the effects of healthy eating attitudes and cognitive flexibility status of individuals aged 60 and over who regularly exercise on life satisfaction. 139 (age=65.32±5.81) healthy volunteers aged 60 and over who regularly exercise participated in the study. “Attitude Scale Towards Healthy Eating”, “Cognitive Flexibility Inventory” and “Satisfaction with Life Scale” were applied to the participants. In the analysis of the data, besides descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analyzes were used. According to the results of the analysis, there was a negative moderate significant relationship between the attitudes towards healthy eating and life satisfaction of the elderly individuals who regularly exercise (r= -0.443, r=-0.489 p<0.01) in the sub-dimensions of feeling towards nutrition and malnutrition. It was determined that there was a positive low-level significant relationship in the sub-dimension (r= 0.313, p<0.01) and it was effective on life satisfaction (β=0.32, p<0.01). In addition, a positive and moderately significant relationship was found between the cognitive flexibility levels and life satisfaction of elderly individuals who regularly exercise (r=0.401, p<0.01), and it was determined that cognitive flexibility states were effective on life satisfaction (β=0.35, p<0.01). It was concluded that the participants' cognitive flexibility and attitudes toward healthy eating had an effect on life satisfaction. In this context, it is possible to support the “healthy-successful aging” policy by targeting individuals over the age of 60 to gain and maintain regular exercise habits, protect their cognitive flexibility, and increase their healthy eating attitudes.


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How to Cite

Karagoz, Şeniz, Kocaer, H. O., & Unveren, A. (2023). The effect of attitudes towards healthy eating and cognitive flexibility on life satisfaction of individuals aged 60 and over who exercise regularly. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(1), 208–228.