Creativity fostering behaviors with respect to using teaching styles of physical education teachers
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Physical education teachers, fostering creativity, teacher behaviours, teahing stylesAbstract
The student-centered approaches used in physical educationand sports lessons have positive effects on creativity. This study aims to examine the teaching styles and creativity-fostering behaviors ofphysical education and sports teachers according to gender, and employment statusin public or private schools and to reveal the differences in creativity-fosteringbehaviors according to the teaching styles they use. The research sampleconsisted of a total of 348 physical education and sports teachers, 145 femalesand 203 males. As data collection tools, Physical Education Teachers’Perceptions of Teaching Styles (PETPTS) and Creativity Fostering TeacherBehavior İndex (CTFIndex) were used to determine the teaching styles used byteachers in physical education and sports lessons together with the personalinformation form designed by the researchers. It was determined that themajority of physical education and sports teachers have sufficient knowledgeabout the styles they use and that the teacher-centered approach, in which theteacher is active, is preferred. As a result, teachers’ behaviors encouragingcreativity may vary according to their use of teaching styles.
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