Analysis of goals scored in World Cup matches: 2014, 2018 and 2022 Championships

Football, World Cup, Match Analysis, Goal AnalysisAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the analysis of 512 goals scored in 192 matches in the group and post-group stages of the 2014-2018-2022 World Cup. The study data were obtained from the official FIFA website ( and YouTube channel, which are open to access. The analysis of the goals scored was made according to the number of goals; distance to the goal, timing of goals according to minutes, open play and set piece, and the positions of the players. The obtained data was recorded in the SPSS 22 package program, and descriptive statistics were used to calculate the average and percentage values. As a result, it was determined that most of the goals were scored in the second half and towards the end of the game in the last three tournaments, and especially in the extra time period (91-105th min) in the 2022 World Cup in the 15-minute period in which the goals were scored. When looking at the way goals are scored, it has been determined that the highest number of goals scored from own goals and set pieces were scored in the 2018 World Cup, while the number of goals scored from open play increased between 2014 and 2022. As a result, coaches should focus on functional and tactical work related to both set pieces and open play in order for their players to be more effective in goal scoring, should be able to apply the temporal and tactical strategy in the game and player changes well, and should play the game as a whole by maintaining the defensive structure without experiencing any physical deterioration until extra time.
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