A research on the reasons to prefer the brand in the use of sports products

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Young, Sports product, Indıstry, Brand


In Turkey, the ratio of the young consumer group to the total population is quite high. Young people's desire to buy; Their power to influence their families in directing them to purchasing behavior can be effective in the formation of new markets for the young population. Brand preferences of young people can shape their purchasing behaviors and shape the market. In this study, it is aimed to examine the reasons of secondary school students preferring the brand in the use of sports products. In the study, the reasons for brand preference were investigated in terms of gender, sports status, residence, type of school and the importance attributed to the brand, and demographic differences were tried to be revealed. The study group of the research consists of 628 secondary school students in Yozgat. Questionnaire method was used to collect data in the study. The survey consisted of two parts under the heading of “demographic and personal data” and "reasons for preferring the brand". In the study, it was found that there were differences between the reasons for brand preference of hıgh school students using sports products, according to gender, sports status, high school type, importance of the brand and place of residence. It is thought that the study will contribute to the literature and the sports industry about the reasons for brand preference in the use of sports products.

Author Biographies

Emrah Ozer, Sivas Cumhuriyet University




Zuhal Yurtsızoglu, Sivas Cumhuriyet University







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How to Cite

Ozer, E., & Yurtsızoglu, Z. (2022). A research on the reasons to prefer the brand in the use of sports products. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 3(3), 14–28. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7060061