Role of female handball athletes' perfectionism and achievement goals in determining the moral disengagement

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Sports, Moral Disengagement, Achievement Goals, Perfectionism


In order to prevent the emergence of undesirable attitudes and behaviors of the participants in the field of sports, it is important to determine the antecedents of moral disengagement. In this context, the purpose of the research is to determine the possible role of female handball athletes' perfectionist tendencies and achievement goals in their moral disengagement. Relational screening model was used in the research. 134 female handball players      ( age=20.72±4.10) participated in the study. Data were collected using the Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale, the 2x2 Achievement Goals in Sports Inventory, and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale for Athletes. Multiple linear regression analysis and pearson correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. Research findings revealed that female handball athletes' moral disengagement scores ( =4.58±1.35) were close to the middle level. There was no significant relationship between moral disengagement scores and mastery approach, mastery avoidance, performance approach, performance avoidance, excessive concern with mistakes, perceived family pressure and personal standards dimensions. In addition, it was found that achievement goals and perfectionist tendencies were not effective in predicting female handball players' moral disengagement. The results of the research revealed that the achievement goals and perfectionist tendencies of female handball players did not play an important role in their moral disengagement.


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How to Cite

Cifci, F., & Ballikaya, E. (2023). Role of female handball athletes’ perfectionism and achievement goals in determining the moral disengagement. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(1), 51–65.