Investigation of the relationship between imagery skills and achievement motivation in handball athletes: The case of Turkish Handball Federation leagues

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Achievement motivation, handball, imagery


The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between imagery skills and achievement motivation among handball players participating in Turkish Handball Federation (THF) leagues. The study population comprises 2,897 active, licensed athletes competing in THF leagues during the 2022-2023 season. The sample selected to represent the population comprises 259 female and 291 male handball players participating in THF leagues. In the study, the following instruments were employed: a personal information form, the Sports Imagery Inventory (SIE), and the Sports Specific Achievement Motivation Scale (SÖBMÖ). The study revealed a significant difference in the sub-dimensions of Cognitive Imagery (BI) (p=0.04) and Motivational General Mastery (MGU) (p=0.04) in the SİE according to league level. It was determined that this difference was due to the fact that handball players in the 2nd League exhibited higher BI and MGU scores than those playing in the Regional League. A comparison of the SÖBMÖ according to league level in the study revealed that handball players in the Super League exhibited higher scores than those in the Regional League for the sub-dimension of the motive to show strength (GGG) (p = 0.03). The results of our study indicate that the variance in SÖBMÖ scores can be explained by 25.2% of the total variance.  The effect of imagery level on achievement motivation was observed according to the league level in handball players. It was determined that participants who played in the Super League tended to show strength, and participants who played in the 2nd League exhibited higher cognitive and motivational general mastery levels compared to other leagues.


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How to Cite

Taskin, S., & Sahin, O. (2024). Investigation of the relationship between imagery skills and achievement motivation in handball athletes: The case of Turkish Handball Federation leagues. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(4), 764–778.