More leisure less work: 4-day workweek
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Leisure, 4 days work, recreation, workAbstract
Since 1900, working hours have been systematically decreasing. Reducing working hours, increasing public holidays and granting various social rights to employees are obligations according to the universal declaration of human rights. However, when we look at the studies conducted in recent years, it has been seen that individuals who have more free time and use this time by participating in social, sports and cultural recreational activities contribute more to the institutions they work for. In this context, many public and private organizations in our country and around the world are carrying out various studies to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the 4-day working system. The purpose of this study is to examine the free time that the 4-day working system provides to the individual and what kind of gains this time provides to the individual in both recreational and sports terms by systematic data scanning. When the results obtained are evaluated. It is seen that the 4-day working system allows the participants to be more social in terms of free time, and that most individuals who have more free time experience positive developments in both their social and psychological well-being, and in terms of workplace performance, an increase in work efficiency is observed. Although this practice provides positive feedback for both individuals and employers in most sectors, it should be known that this practice cannot be applied in every sector (service, health, tourism, etc.).
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