Gender roles and psychological well-being of university athletes
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Athlete, gender role, psychological well-being, stereotypeAbstract
This study aimed to examine the relationships between university athletes’ levels of psychological well-being and their perceptions of gender roles in terms of demographic variables. The research was conducted with a total of 302 participants, including 157 female and 145 male student athletes studying at Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University. The data collection tools included a “Personal Information Form,” “Psychological Well-Being Scale,” and “Bem Sex Role Inventory.” Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s Alpha values, Two-Way ANOVA, MANOVA, and Independent Samples t-Test were used for data analysis using the SPSS 22.0 program. According to the findings, there were no statistically significant differences in the levels of psychological well-being of the participants based on sports branch type and demographic variables. However, participants engaged in team sports exhibited significantly higher masculinity levels compared to those engaged in individual sports. Statistically significant differences were also found in femininity and masculinity levels based on gender and sports branch type. No significant differences were found in psychological well-being and gender role perceptions based on the age of starting sports and weekly exercise durations. Significant differences were determined in the levels of psychological well-being based on degree attainment status. The findings indicate that the levels of psychological well-being and perceptions of gender roles in athletes are influenced by demographic factors. The results show that the level of psychological well-being and perception of gender roles in athletes are affected by demographic factors. In particular, it was observed that the athletes’ sport age and the status of obtaining a degree in the sport they are interested in are determinant on their psychological well-being levels. In addition, it was determined that athletes’ perception levels of gender roles differed according to variables such as weekly hours of sport and number of days of sport per week.
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