Evaluation of the relationship between the 30-15 intermittent fitness test and anaerobic performance in elite Turkish female handball players

Anaerobic performance, endurance, handball, 30-15 IFTAbstract
The aim of this research is to investigate the relationships between the field-based 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (IFT) performance, anaerobic performance (30-second Wingate Anaerobic power and capacity), agility T-Test performance results among elite Turkish female handball players. Thirty female handball players from the Turkish Super League voluntarily participated in the study, and four of them could not complete the study. A cross-sectional descriptive correlation design was used to test the research hypothesis. Measurements of the 30-15 IFT, Agility T-Test, and Wingate 30-second Anaerobic power and capacity tests were conducted with a 72-hour interval on three separate days. To test the research hypothesis, first, the correlation coefficients between the 30-15 IFT performance results and anaerobic performance and agility were calculated. Then, the Multiple Linear Regression analysis method was used to determine how well the identified variables predict the 30-15 IFT performance. Participants’ VO2maks capacities were reached through the 30-15 endurance test, and the relationship between players’ VO2maks levels and anaerobic power and capacity was examined. The regression analysis revealed no significant relationship between these two parameters (R2= 0.110, p>0.05). The relationship between VO2maks and agility performance was also investigated in the study, and the regression analysis indicated no significant relationship between these two parameters (R2= 0.134, p> 0.05). In summary, it has been determined that there is no relationship between the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (IFT) and anaerobic performance in elite female handball players.
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