Evaluation of professional development processes of elite football coaches according to their learning paths and success levels

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Coach, success, football, career, learning


Qualified football coaches are of great importance for the development of football in general and elite football in particular. Research shows that the development of expert coaching in elite sport is a complex issue involving mediated, non-mediated and internal learning situations. However, it is less clear to what extent and in what ways these learning situations come together in coaches' learning paths. The aim of this article is to answer this question by examining the learning paths, success and professional development processes of elite football coaches. For the method of the research, document analysis formed the basis of the qualitative research conducted on the paths to expertise of 24 elite football head coaches who were successful in football tournaments organized by FIFA and UEFA. Miles and Huberman model was used as the model of the research. For the research, 24 elite football coaches who have achieved outstanding success in modern football since the early 90s were selected. It was based on the achievements of elite football coaches at the peak of their professional careers. As a result, it was seen that experience was important in the development and learning paths of elite coaches. It was understood that a long football player career combined with success had a positive effect on the professional development of the coach and his coaching knowledge. It was stated that elite football coaching is a process in which technical, tactical, physical and mental learning continues.


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How to Cite

Bayarslan, B., Metin, S. C., & Cevik, A. (2023). Evaluation of professional development processes of elite football coaches according to their learning paths and success levels. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 566–585. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10031368