Nutrition and exercise strategies in football players aged 12-13: A study on FIFA 11+ Kids warm-up program and chocolate milk

Chocolate milk, FIFA 11 for Kids, functional movement screening, functional performance tests, warm-upAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the FIFA 11+ for Kids warm-up program and high-protein chocolate milk on athlete health and performance. The study included 24 volunteer male football players, aged 12-13, actively playing licensed football (age: 12.52±0.51 years; height: 152.64±9.67 cm; weight: 43.73±10.40 kg; body mass index (BMI): 18.52±2.59 kg/m2). Participants were randomly divided into four groups: Chocolate Milk + FIFA 11+ (n=6), Chocolate Milk + General Warm-Up (n=6), Fruit Juice + FIFA 11+ (n=6), Fruit Juice + General Warm-Up (n=6). Over 4 weeks, different protocols were administered, providing chocolate milk or fruit juice twice a week, alongside the standard football warm-up and the FIFA 11+ for Kids warm-up program before training. Before and after the 4-week exercise protocols, football players performed tests including speed, agility, vertical jump (VJ), anaerobic power, ball-kicking speed, sit-up, Functional Movement Screening (FMS), and Functional Performance Tests (FPT). Significant differences were found in the pre and post-test results for the 6-m Timed hop in the Chocolate Milk + FIFA 11+ group (p<0.05). In the Fruit Juice + FIFA 11+ group, significant differences were observed in both the Medial Side Triple Hop for Distance (MSTH) left foot and Medial Rotation Hop (MRH) left foot (p<0.05). No significant differences were detected in the hop tests, performance tests, and FMS scores, both in the pre-post test results and in the ANOVA test results for the groups (p>0.05). In conclusion, the FIFA 11+ for Kids warm-up program, irrespective of the nutritional supplement administered, has led to specific changes in the hop test results of the players, yet it did not produce a significant effect on general performance tests and FMS scores.
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