The relationship between digital wellbeing and artificial intelligence literacy in faculty of sports sciences students: Application of structural equation model

Digital Well-being, Artificial Intelligence, Student, LiterateAbstract
The development of technology has paved the way for the development of digital platforms. This development has brought the concept of artificial intelligence to the forefront. Based on these thoughts, the aim of the study is to examine the relationship between digital well-being and artificial intelligence literacy in students of the faculty of sports sciences. The relational screening model was used in the study. The research group consisted of 291 students determined by simple sampling method. The “Digital Well-being Scale” and “Artificial Intelligence Literacy Scale” were used in the study. In the analysis of the data, T-Test and ANOVA test were applied to evaluate the demographic characteristics. In addition, the research model created to examine the relationship between the scales was evaluated with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) test. Research findings and results; According to the T-Test results, there were no significant differences between gender, age and departments. According to the SEM analysis results, the path coefficient between digital well-being and artificial intelligence literacy was found to be statistically significant. Within the scope of this significance, it can be said that students' high artificial intelligence literacy levels positively affect their digital well-being.
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